Dating dilemma

I met a guy and called him 2 weeks after meeting him. we went out , he sent me flowers. We met frequently after that for only 2 weeks or so. Than out of the blue he stopped calling, when I called he abrubtly brushed me off. I kept calling and he avoided me, When he finally answered the phone I asked to meet him so we could talk, he said yes in a few days. He didn’t call so I called the night before to confirm. He said yes , still on. Well he didn’t call the next day and when I called he said he was going out to call in a few hrs. I waited and called he didn’t answer, I stopped by and he was with his friend, I came in and he ignored me than after an hr he said he had to go out and left me alone at his place. I left practically in tears! Why is he doing this and giving me no explanation as to why he has ended things so rude and abrubtly? He won’t even aknowledge me or my wanting to see him and at least talk. All I hear from him is I am stressing him out!! What should I do? I have no closure. I want some sort of aknowledgement from him or at least to see him again.

Answer #1

ok this guy shoulds like a jerk i no id never treat a women like that. i think that you just need to move on and forget him and i wouldnt never see him again that would make it alot harder to get over him. yall only went out for a little while and he oviously doesnt care about yalls relationship so i say forget him.

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