Damn IE7?

I have been having irritating things spoling my use of the internet after I downloaded the IE7. Can someone tell me how I can rectify this one?: After I do a search, a page is displayed and I have a list of websites I can get into. When I clicked on one of the websites AND also want to open another I can’t do it without EXITING from the website that I just opened, ie, I can’t open muliple pages simultaneously without having to go back to the initial google search page. I used to be able to do that. before IE7.. Please computer savy ones, your advice is GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!

Answer #1

I had the same problem. IE7 is more like a virus than a browser as far as I’m concerned. Here’s what I did. I uninstalled it and went back to IE6 only it didn’t work right after that . So, I made Firefox my default browser and have lived happily in cyber world ever since. It is much faster and just better all around.

Answer #2

I agree… Fire fox all the way. I have had firefox for almost a year now and I have hardly any problems with it. Where as IE gave me problems almost daily.

Answer #3

Hmmm…. My answer may not be one you want to hear: Time to switch to Firefox. Firefox is the model that Internet Explorer has been trying to match due to recent popularity of the Mozilla program after finding less adware problems with Firefox. I love the browser except for its problems at times with flash programs on some sites.

I would have to do some research to get you a better answer as I have run scared from the update you downloaded. One temporary solution (that does work in Firefox) is to right click the link you want to open and select the “Open in New Tab” option rather than closing the current tab you are in or opening a new window.

Hope this helps a little. I will ask about your issue with IE7 and try to get back to you.

Answer #4

Funguy, your temporary solution works! I may have to rely on that till you are able to get more info… Cogmios, I went into Settings/Search Box Setting/and checked Open results in new window - this did not work. I also went into Tools/Internet options/Tab browsing settings/Open links from other programs and checked A new window - this did not work too. Did I go to the wrong places…ie, is there an Advance setting button… and where can I find it? I will definitely take all the advices about switching to firefox…I have been reading other blogs (lots of compaints on IE7) and even considered reverting to IE6…looks like reverting to IE6 thingy may not be a good idea. Really appreciate EVERYONE for your input. THANKS!

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