How to get the courage to flirt?

Guess waht ya’ll!!! I;m and luv! :) lolz I like thiz guy in my school and he likes me 2 , well I’m 2 shy 2 talk 2 him and so iz he, but he’s always by me, like I turn around there he iz , :p , but he’s not a stalker or anything, so the question iz how do I find my courage 2 talk/flirt with him??? And what should I talk bout?

Answer #1

hmmm this is a hard one you can exactly get do sumthing to get the courage to flirt but kinda think and ya mind I better do sumthyn before I miss out you know…just talk about w/e’s on your mind or just make small talk about sumthing you know he knows a lil sumthyng about and remember to keep urself interested aswell…good luck hope this helps

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