What are some cute ways to do your hair for school?

Answer #1

I dunno. Straighten your bangs and put it in a ponytail. Put mousse in it when its damp and straighten your bangs. Curl it with a straightener or curling iron. Straighten it. Let it go natural. Braid it. Tease it. Scrunch it. Curl each piece messily, and then boby pin them to the back of your head. Do a messy bun at the top of your head. French braid. Twirl a piece of hair on your finger and pin in a circle with a bobby pin, leave in overnight, take out in the morning. Fishtail braid. Have someone else do it. Crimp it. Put socks in it (Ive never tried, but you can see how to do it on youtube)Put braids in ovefrnight and take out in the morning. Make it wavy with a straightener. Do whatever you think looks good, just dont fry or damage it.

Answer #2

I like doing a messy bun on the side of my head. so simple and takes like 5 minutes.

Answer #3

Messy Bun, Loose ponytail, braid, fishtail braid.

Answer #4

Pony tail towards the top of your head, braid your bangs & pin them back, messy bun, braid your damp hair overnight in like 4 sections & take it out in the morning (DONNNNNN’T BRUSH IT, BRUSH WITH YOUR FINGERS, I mean unless you like the afro look..) crimp your hair, rollers, curl your bangs & the hair around your face backwards out of your face, straighten it, curl it, two braids in front, pull all your hair to one shoulder ( I do that like, every day, it looks really pretty curled too), scrunch it.

Answer #5

i wish i had bangs >.< i cant do anything with my hair with out bangs AND having thin nd fine hair

Answer #6

pigtails! :)

Answer #7

with a hair bow!

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