How do you recommend I straighten my hair?

I have naturally curly hair, I have tried straighteners like JHDS, NICKY CLARKES, REMINGTONS and none of them have worked within 1 hour or so my hair is curly again.

What hairstyle can you recommend? I hate my hair natural

Answer #1

if anything if you want to have your hair in lovely curlys get leave in conditioner/styling cream by mixed chicks. I have tried a sample of it and it actually enhances my curls but you would still need to put a gel on your hair depending on how curly your hair is.

if you dont feel like doing that then just get this jessicurl confident coils styling solution. im pretty sure when your in the shower your hair is like a loose curl with perfect ringlets cuse thats how mine is and too keep that look after you get out of the shower put the jessicurl confident coils styling solution on your hair and let you hair dry naturally and wahla your curls come to life and you look great.

im mixed and I know how it is to have curly hair and I hate it cuse it hard to manage but after using that stuff I feel it will work on u.

if you want your hair straighten get your hair flat iron perfessionally cuse I just got me a sedu flat iron that goes up to 410 degrees it doesnt work in my hair so basically I was told I need serious heat in my hair and so im basically going to have to have it flat iron professionally which is up to 50 dollars but I mean when you have it professionally done they control the heat with the different irons they use and they would know what temp would be for your hair. I advise you to really look therally for a place that does flat ironing good so your hair doesnt get damaged or burned.

if anything do not relax your hair permentley its to much of a risk.

Answer #2

If you want your hair to be straigh for a few months than I recommend like straightening your hair by getting a sraightner perm. My hair is naturally loosly wavy and i wanted curls so i got a spiral perm. I loved it at first but afterwhile i got sick of it and got a sraightner perm. You could try that, if you wouldn’t mind having your hair like that for a few months. Good Luck though!

Answer #3

Learn how to make your curls look their best; that way you’ll love your natural hair and save yourself many headaches! Check out!

Answer #4

you can straighten your hair layer by layer but it will take along time. mine does. also, a Chi is the BEST hair straightner. they are expensive but let me tell you, your life will never be the same. also, letting your hair get a little longer will weigh it down a little more so it lays more nicely.

Answer #5

Try a hot iron. They work great, and make your hair look and feel like you just washed it even if you haven’t for three days.

Answer #6

Okay well i have naturaly curly hair and i use Quick Heat and i take it peice by peice like i put a hole bunch of it up and do the very bottom then let some down and then do that ect. and then when i get to the very top layer i do it 3 times and that hair do usally lasts me 3-4 days if you keep it brushed and stuff

Answer #7

if your natural hair is curly and you want it straight because you are in the desperate need for change i suggest you dont perm it or burn it too much with the flat irons. My suggestion to you is to make a different hair cut and add some hair creame to your hair so it can look smooth and relaxed rather than puffy. another thing curly hair is the hot thing now a days everybody is curling their hair and it looks sexy. Ex. Shakira. it is way embarrasing to have pretty hair for 10 minutes and in one hour it looks like the oven exploded on you. sooo keep your hair curly and let the waves groove!!! ;)

Answer #8

y do u want to starightin ur hair. I am sure ur hair looks fine curly, my mom is a hair dresser, curly is cool.

Answer #9

straight hair has recently… GONE OUT! WOOPEE! No more burning! As seen in vogue just blow dry ur hair to get wavy, curly big BEAUTIFUL hair!!!

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