
Ok so, I have hung around guys alll my life..and im curious to know…like how do you know if a guy likes a girl? like how they stare or something…I’ve never had a boyfriend or anything before and im 14..and im female..but im really curious…im waching my friends when they stare at girls..I see no change..and no I’m not a stalker..I just stare and listen and rarely speak but this question isn’t bout my shyness or non-speaking thing.><,,,but really what are the signs!!! ><

Answer #1

Flirting. & The way guys stare at girls: They have at least a little insy bitsy smile on there face. There eyes sparkle. And they just stare at that person for a LONG time=) They blushhh. And yeah theres more to it=)

Hope I helped but I experienced this=) You will soon.

Answer #2

They joke around with u and try to have conversations with u, and they will look at u and smile

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