How to get him if his girlfriend is cuter than me?

I like this guy his name is jon,but hehas this girlfriend arlie and she is cuter than me.I need help on how to get him back please help.

Answer #1

Would you want her to try to get him if you had him? Think about it. If he wanted you, I’m pretty sure he would have approached you already.

Answer #2

girl you just need 2 let him know you like him and if he dousnt like you back then he is not worth it you need 2 let your self no that giving up your crush is hard and I no its the truth and hard 2 do im in one rite now so just take a chance !!! you make your desition its your life so what are u going to do ?

Answer #3

first of all, he’s taken. you can’t do anything about it. if you really want him that badly then you can wait all you want for them to break up, but until BACK OFF. he’s not your guy.

secondly, telling yourself that she is cuter than you is not going to help your confidence, and it’s probably not even true. and just because she’s “cute” doesn’t necessarily mean that that is the only reason he is with her.

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