critisism and how to deal with it

I am always getting critised by these girls and this one guy at school. I always try to be nice but they always have to judge me by how I look or how I act. I am so happy with who I am and then I get to school and then they go and ruin it for me. how do I get them to quit? and if I don’t get them to quit who do I tell? please tell me

Answer #1

first off, try to realise that these girls arnt important in your life, there not your friends there not part of anything you do, they really have no value to you because you dont accosiate with them…there just more people so forget about everything they say, its not worth getting upset about somthing people say, especially if they arnt your family or friends you can talk to a teacher, prinible, school counsellor, ect about this and let them know these girls are doing something wrong and need to stop you can also tell them yourself to stop by saying something like “look, I dont know you, you dont know me, what you say to me doesnt affect my life, lets leave it at that shall we, get on with your life and do something with it, because I dont need to insaulting me for no reason” something like that tell them how you feel and remember, dont let what they say affect you

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