Cows should have feathers.

Even if they couldn’t fly without massive wings and hollow bones, I think cows should have wings.

Answer #1

Udder Rediculous !! - However, it would be a Moooving experience !! - Hmmm, better stop ‘milking’ this answer…

Answer #2

steph_is_utterly_mad: emus and ostriches are still birds, though, and without wings they wouldn’t be, so they do use them to confirm their status as birds.

Answer #3

I don’t use it, but everyone else does, and there are so many things made of leather, that without a quick, sustainable alternative that could accomodate the vast majority of the world, people would be upset. What use are wings if the creature doesn’t use them, anyway? Even the penguin uses it’s wings, which are more flippers than wings.

Answer #4

Not feathers over the whole body, just wings. And I thought you hated the use of leather, anyway!

Answer #5

No, but someone just did.

Answer #6

they use them to confirm their status as birds? lol, ok! do people usually question them?

Answer #7

When cows fly, that would be awesome!!!:)

Answer #8

amblessed gets some pun points on this one.

…but while we’re at it, can we at least make pigs fly?

Answer #9

What would be the use? They’d be too big to put in pillows, and then no-one would have any leather.

Answer #10

then what if they fell or could you imagine getting theyre droppings on your car? bird poop is bad enough especially when its on the drivers side window and you just ran out of the house this morning because you were watching law and order last night and you woke up late well anyway you just noticed the poop and all you can do is look at it hopelessly! someone is going to a bad morning

Answer #11

iamcool, I can think of a winged animal that doesn’t use it’s wings…an emu! and an ostrich.

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