Could I finally be pregnant?

Me and my fiance have been trying to concieve for almost 5 months now. I was talking birth control, but I stopped when we started trying. We have been having sex every other day sence I ended my last period. Last month we did the same thing but I got my period, it was WAY lighter and shorter than usual, but I didn’t worry about taking a test. I am starting to gain some weight and I can’t suck in at all. I can’t lay on my stomach anymore. My breasts are so sore, I have headaches, backaches, I am bloated and always tired. I have nausea but haven’t thrown up yet. I never used to get hiccups but now I have been getting them 3 or 4 times a day! I am hoping I’m pregnant, but I’m scared to crush my hopes by taking a test just yet. Does this sound like I could be pregnant to you?!

Please help!

Answer #1

you have symptoms, but take a test!!! (: if you are then great! if not, you know to keep trying go to your local health clinic or see your doctor and tell him you want to get pregnant and he could give you some advise, theres also plenty of books about pregnancy. nature will take it’scoursesoon enough, though it may have done already by the sounds of it (: let me know! erin x

Answer #2

I know that it takes a little time for your body to get used to not being on birth control. But I did read somewhere that you can spot when the egg attaches to the uterus. It’s called implantation bleeding. It sounds like that may be what you thought your period was. A lot of people mistake that bleeding for a period and then they don’t think they’re pregnant. But it does sound like you have all the symptoms! Be brave and take the test! You can do it. Just take some time for yourself and take a nice hot bath and work up the courage. Good luck!

Answer #3

yeah take the test but you have all the pregnancy symptoms so I believe you are .

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