Could I be pregnant even though...

So I started birth control here recently, and within the first 5 days of starting it I had unprotected sex more than once and have continued to have unprotected sex. I understand that there is a possiblity of pregnancy now that I have done my research. I started spotting this past saturday, and have been spotting ever since. Altho I’m not supposed to have a period on the weekend, but could I still be pregnant or is this a sign that I’m not?

Answer #1

“””I started spotting this past saturday, and have been spotting ever since. Altho I’m not supposed to have a period on the weekend, but could I still be pregnant or is this a sign that I’m not?”””

That was my question. If you read it then you wouldnt have wasted your time “arguing” over something that I wasnt aware was even a argument. I dont know you guys so of course I’m not going to take anything personal. No need for any “so sorrys” haha. My question was about me bleeding and not knowing if it were normal in pergnancy or if that was a sign that I’m not pregnant or even a miscarriage. I was open to any advice that had to do with my thread. And if you know nothing about Birth Control or pregnancy then theres no point in you saying anything on this thread. Jenn12523 thank you for letting me know what I already know NOW. =) CaptainASSassin ;) Thanks for keeping me entertained for a few days. Although since you cant read well I’ll write it again, I wasnt arguing.

Thanks guys! Add me if you’d like! =))

Answer #2

I understand that there is a possiblity of pregnancy now that I have done my research.

Yeah, that makes you look even DUMBER, for asking a question when you already know the answer. Care to point out anything ELSE to add to your stupidity?

You did not read what I wrote.

Yeah I did… and you ARE an idiot. Just because I provided additional information you don’t want, or agree with, doesn’t mean I didn’t read your question… idiot. Everything I’ve said is accurate, based on the information you’ve provided. Its impossible for you to make me look stupid, because I’m smarter and more knowledgeable than you could ever hope of being.

But feel free to continue being antagonistic… its expected from a stupid 13yr old girl; Along with being naive, brash, insecure, and a liar. Please continue… your juvenile predictability will only get your thread locked, and maybe your account disabled.

Answer #3

…it… burnsss usss…


Answer #4

jenn12523 was trying to say she had more common sense than you at a younger age. even though it was also starting an argument,its HER opinion so it doesnt matter.she can say what she wants.

Answer #5

I Love my sammy :] And captinassassin I really didnt mean to start anything with you its just I wanted to break the arguement because this is an advice column . Not an argument column , By the way you really do give good advice , even though you dont ‘sugar coat it’ . Wonderinggirl91 I think you should go see a doctor in the next few weeks and stop arguing with people over the internet. Dont take things personal.

Answer #6

Sorry no advice for you here. I really dont know anything about birth control. But that is pretty stupid saying it works within the hour you take it . WTF? And im sorry but starting an arguement over the internet with someone you dont know is just pathetic. Grow up. And learn how to let it go . For instance I know captinassasin is going to most probably say something about my comment and how much of an idiot I am for posting it. But I”ll be the BIGGER person and let it go :] sad thing is, im thirteen years old. And I have more common sence than you.

Answer #7

For instance I know captinassasin is going to most probably say something about my comment and how much of an idiot I am for posting it.

Uhh… no… you’ll need to say something stupid first… n___n

And I have more common sence than you.

The very existence of ‘’common sense’’ is debatable. So would an objective system for measuring, comparing and contrasting it. So to make such a statement, is in itself, for no other reason than to be offensive, a passive-aggressive method of antagonism, or starting an argument. Didn’t you just call that pathetic?

Answer #8

“ I understand that there is a possiblity of pregnancy now that I have done my research. “ Once again your ignorance has made you look completely foolish again. You did not read what I wrote. You just keep making this easier for me to make YOU look stupid. I completely understand how you make babies, lol. But thank you for the sex ED teaching. You just wasted 10 mins of your life that you will never get back writing that. WelP have a wonderful day CAPTAIN! Hahahaha!

Answer #9

You obvisously didnt READ what I wrote

Obviously I did… you said you’re not stupid… you DID write that, and I DID read it. And your actions in your initial posting (that I also DID read) suggest otherwise.

Obviously you ARE stupid… BECAUSE of what you wrote. Asking people on the Internet if you COULD be pregnant, when the answer is so obvious… YES you COULD be pregnant, you’re having unprotected sex, THAT IS HOW BABIES ARE MADE. No form of contraception is 100% effective, not even when used properly. So that means there is ALWAYS a chance… idiot.

Oh, and I added the ‘w’ to the word ‘smart’ intentionally to be humorous… I didn’t and still don’t expect you (a weetodd) to get it right away, but then again it wasn’t for YOUR benefit anyway.

Answer #10

You obvisously didnt READ what I wrote, I didnt ask how long does it take before they work, nor did I ask if it was SMART to start having unprotected sex right after starting birth control. When your trying to be a SMART as$ learn how to spell SMART. Just a word of advice ;-) But thanks for the comment, now how about you go find something else to do with your time. Have a fabulous day! <3

Answer #11

I’m not stupid.

Well… you DID start having unprotected sex the same time you started birth control… not exactly ‘smawart’

Answer #12

Lmfao .

Answer #13

Arghhh… nooo… don’t… you’re killing me with kindnesss… my only weaknesss…


Answer #14

Riiight… and I can say what I want too. But thank goodness you’re here to state the obvious… u___u

Answer #15

Okay. First off I know they dont work as soon as you take them, I’m not stupid. So quit with the “they work in an hour” I mean if your gonna give me advice atleast know your facts. If you read the question I didnt ask “how long does it take for bc to work.” Anyways… Thanks for all the answers, some really did help. <3

Answer #16

I have never heard of such thing, mostly they work the hour you take it.

…oh…snap… so you think they work like tylenol, huh? Where the HELL did you hear THAT??? u___u

Answer #17

if you’ve forgot to take the pill one day, you could be pregnant, and its always safe to have an alternate protection, well, wait about a week, and if your still spotting, you should take a pregnancy test from either your docotr, or the ones you get at the parmacy, hope this helps!

Answer #18

I have never heard of such thing, mostly they work the hour you take it.

You just made yourself look like a HUGE idiot. GO GET AN EDUCATION.

Answer #19

You must be freaking out right now by all these yes answers. Don’t stress cause sometimes womans don’t get their period when they stress too much. mandyloo said that it takes a whole month before the pill works, I have never heard of such thing, mostly they work the hour you take it. You also said that you had multiple times sex within five day, maybe the explanation that you’re spotting.

Answer #20

~mostly they work the hour you take it. ~

I have never heard a more uneducated and false statement in all my years.

Please don’t advise people of this anymore…it’s absolutely WRONG.

Answer #21

Yes, it is a sign of pregnancy. Spotting and light cramping are normal in the early stages of pregnancy. Many women will often mistake the spotting for a period and assume they are not pregnant.

When was your last period? If it’s been more than a month - you can take a home pregnancy test, if it’s been less than a month you either have to wait, or see a doctor and get a blood test done.

Answer #22

I started BC the 26th of july and thats when I started having sex. I understand that having unprotected sex wasnt the smartest move, but it happened. Its not Aug 11th and I’m spotting and cramping like I’m having a period. But my period is early. I shouldnt have it for another week and a half. So that could be a for sure sign of pregnancy? And you said to take a pregnancy test? When should I take one?

Answer #23

Spotting could signify implantation bleeding, which would mean that you are pregnant. You should always use an alternate form of protection for the first couple of weeks when you start on birth control.

You’ll have to see the doctor for a blood test - it’s too soon for an HPT to be accurate, and if you are pregnant, you need to stop taking your pills as soon as possible.

Answer #24

There’s a GOOD possibility that you are pregnant, but it’s too early to tell - you need to wait 2-3 weeks before you take a test or go to the doctor for a blood test earlier.

Birth control takes 2 weeks before it is effective and then you’ll be further unprotected for the week of your period and after it for 10 days.

Answer #25

No, its NOT a ‘’for sure’’ sign of pregnancy…

COULD you be pregnant? Yes. ARE you pregnant? We don’t know. Wait a week or two, then take a test, or go see your doctor.

Answer #26

My last period was right before I started BC (started BC on the 26th of July) so the 24th was my last day. I took a pregnancy test 2 days ago, I’m so anixous I cant hardly stand it. But it was negative, I guess it was too early to tell.

Answer #27

Yes, you could be pregnant. Birth control does not kick in immediatly - it takes 1 WHOLE month before it’s effective, so having unprotected sex after 5 days was not the smartest move.

Spotting is a sign of pregnancy - you need to take a pregnancy test or see your doctor to get a blood test. There is a VERY good chance you are pregnant.

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