could I be pregnant?

so me && my boyfriend had sex like almost a month ago..&& it was right after I got off of my period. I was supposed to start this past week like around wednesday or thursday? && I haven’t started..&& I’ve been wayyy more tired than normal && I feel nesuas(sp?) a lot. && I’m eating a TON when I usually only eat dinner..&& my boobs are swollen && you think I’m pregnant? I’m taking a test tomorrow but I don’t know. I’m scared. I mean I do kind of want a baby && I would DEFF. keep it. but I’m only 15 (16 in february) && I don’t know what my parents will do or how my boyfriend will react.. help?

Answer #1

mm thanks everyone :)

&& yeah I’ve thought off all of these being symptoms for my period, but I’ve never had symptoms before. like I never get cramps. I think the only time I did was the very first time in like 7th grade but not since then..&& nothing else has ever happened. but I don’t know. && I did talk to my boyfriend && he’s being supportive :) && I already had an appointment on the 31st (before any of these symptoms started showing) to get birth control && my mom is taking me so she knows that stuff has happened..&& if you’ve already had sex && you’ve missed a period won’t they automatically do a blood test to see even if you don’t ask? that’s what I wanted..for me to take a home one to know if I am or not so that I’m not surprised when they tell me && that way they can tell my mom && not me.. && I have a new question now.. IF I am secondhand smoke bad for the baby? I just got home from my mom’s side of the family’s party for christmas && pretty much everyone there was smoking && they always do so the house smells like smoke 24/7 && I’ve been freaking out all it bad or will it be ok?

Answer #2

I took the test && it was negative :) but I’m still feeling bleh so my friend said I should take another one in about a week..should I or do you think I’m safe.?

Answer #3

Well. Its definitely possible that your pregnant, but all of those are also symptoms that your period is on its way. And stress can delay your period- so if you’ve been stressed about the possible pregnancy, that could be why your period is late. And now that it is, your head is making you think more of symptoms that you don’t even notice on a normal period. Honestly, the only way to know is it take a test. And if you want to keep it, you definitely need the support of your parents. Otherwise, you could always give it up for adoption and negotiate with the parents so that you can maintain contact with the child.

Answer #4

Youre wayy to young, im your age too and if I had a baby no way on this earth would I keep it. It would shake my world and really I know it sounds bad t ruin all my dreams- I couldnt go to school anymore, no college couldnt go to uni because we’d no no money or time. It would ruin your future!

Yes there a large chance you could be pregnant. If you run the risk of having unprotected sex the you run the risk of getting pregnant. Thats quite oubvius hn. Be carefull next time if you don’t want to get pregant. But for the moment seems as though you’ve got allot of sleepless nights, depression, pain and scaring…

Answer #5

Im going through the same exact thing. I haven’t missed my period yet but I have all those symptoms, which could very well be a period coming but I know something is different. I think your very tough to keep the baby! not many are strong enough to put up with everyone else’s doubts. My mother was surprisingly supportive and I think that is key for a teen pregnancy!(I’m only 17). Also it helps if the “father” is involved in your life and wants the baby just as much as you do. The only way to tell is to take a test but the best way is to get a blood test from a doctor. I wish you the best!

Answer #6

keep your baby, please don’t get an abortion. take the test.. and I guess from there you can really start freaking out. Hopefully your parents will help you! and you should tell your boyfriend asap. it is very possibly for you to be prego.. even after you get off of your period.. it’s still possible. All the symptoms could just be in your head.. trust me, I’ve been there.

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