Could I Be Pregnant?

I had gotten the Depo-Prova Shot On June 30th, 2009. And had unprotected sex 2 days after. My Stomach has been hurting, I also am starting to eat more. It’s almost been a month since the unprotected sex. Is It possible that I may be pregnant? Some say that if you take a home pregnancy test, it may come out negative because of the medication in the shot. But also I did not have my period this month and I dont know if its due to the shot or what. This is my 1st time recieving the shot. So can someone with experience or someone who know’s anyone who this has happened to help me out please. Me and My Boyfriend and family have this feeling that I am. I Just need to know if its possible.

Answer #1

u can be pregnant, depo prova takes 11 to 13 days to work and if you got the shot while you were on your period then it takes effect right away . so yes you cud be.

Answer #2

but symtoms of pregs. dont come that fast

Answer #3

Well wat i know is that the shot makes u not get prdgnet until 3-5 years depent the body

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