Could I get pregnant while on my period?

I’m a teenager and I made a big mistake. I had sex without a condom, but my boyfriend pulled out. I was also on my period at the time. I’m pretty sure he pulled out in time.. and I am very paranoid. I’m not sure if I am pregnant or not.. but what are my chances if I was on my period? It’s only been about two weeks since it happened and I haven’t had any symptoms except my stomach had sharp pains one day that went away when I ate food. I don’t know, I continued to have my period afterward and my next one isn’t until the fourth of March.

Answer #1

well firstly your stomach pains could be down to stress, as this is obviously stressing you out loads. try to relax and take your mind off things…

once about 2 years ago i thought i was pregnant - i had sex, for the first time without a condom, when i was in the middle of my cycle (the best time to get pregnant!!!) but he pulled out, i was so stressed and worried, that i started with stomach pains and feeling sick, my period was even late, but it came finally! i think the more you stress out about it, it kind of brings on the symptoms, as in a way you expect them and even think you’re pregnant (i know i did!). thankfully i learnt from my mistake and went on the pill and also use condoms - i’d never do that again.

Anyway, yes, there is a chance you could be pregnant, as pre-cum can contain sperm, but try not to worry, wait for your period, if it’s late take a test, or see your doctor.

i wish you luck, and remember to learn from your mistakes - i know i did, and use contraception next time.

Answer #2

I read medical advice that said it is possible to have an egg ready and waiting for fertilization while another is being “discarded” by menstruation. the answer- it is possible to get preg. while on period.

Answer #3

yeah, i heard about morning after pills. i’m interested because i am VERY paranoid about this kind of thing and i’ve been reading about it online but i don’t know how to get them. because you need a perscription or parental consent or something if you are under 18. and i’m sure they don’t want to hear about that. anyway, i have been reading online about pregnancy and everyone makes it sound like it’s gonna happen and that my life is over. so it’s really freaking me out. but i really hope that i’m okay..

Answer #4

I have been there before….if you are in school visit your health nurse it is completely confidential or you could go to your local pharmacy and get a pregnancy test….. Try to have someone there that you can tell and trust for support it does tend to get nerve racking…….try it out and let me know how it goes for you……and next time if your not sure and your scred go to the hospital and get the morning after pill and than you will be relieved.

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