does corset training actually work?

i heard it shrinks ur waist . i wear corsets but not for that purpose i just like the way they look and they can make u apear thinner but i heard if u keep wearing one that ur waist will get smaller.

Answer #1

Yes it does, although you would need “real” corsets.

The ones sold today for fashion are not the same and do not lace as tightly or firmly as the ones designed to actually suck your stomach in.

With a real corset, continuous use and wear will train your body and ribs to go into that shape….its a very painful and uncomfortable process though and it doesn’t make you loose pushes the fat you do have to the bottom or the top of the corset and slightly moves your rib cage if done long enough.

Answer #2

that doesnt sound healthy it sounds like ur braaking ur rib cage and when u say push the fat down and up do u mean it goes to ur boobs and butt? i know u said its hard to get them but are there anyleft on the face of this eart ? like even just one in a specific place? or can i have one mad for me? i have never tried it but it sounds interesting and i want to

Answer #3

No, it doesnt make your boobs or butt bigger. If you have any fat on your middle area the corset would push it to the bottom or top of the corset and give you permanant rolls in those areas. You can buy real corsets online but they dont come cheap. I wouldnt recomend it seeing as how it takes forever for it to work and its painful and has to be done daily.

Answer #4

Where do you get corsets?

Answer #5

Where do you get corsets?

Answer #6

Where do you get corsets?

Answer #7

i get mine at hot topic and i have them costome made for me sometimes but the real ones like mandyloo said r online and are expensive

Answer #8

For some reason, I actually find proper corsets really comfortable! I havent ever worn them long enough enough for training, just for going out, but I really like the way they feel

Answer #9

I wouldn’t suggest wearing one to make your waist skinny, if and when you decide to have kids you WILL have complications..

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