Coral Reef Food Web!!!

Okay, So I have a project on “Coral reefs” and I don’t know wats WRONG with the internet but theres like NO websites that are giving me an “aaccttuuaall” Food Web! well yea; Someone tell me what animals eat what! Or somthingg Like that! Lol =]

-Thankss! =P

Answer #1

Coral reefs have developed over thousands of years. Tiny microscopic animals called coral polyps, have soft bodies, and secrete calcium carbonate; this is what makes up the thin layers that compose the coral reefs. The calcium that is secreted by the tiny animals becomes the exoskeleton, or the outside skeleton of the animal. An algae called zooxanthellae lives with the coral, and is what causes the coral to have its unique coloring. The algae is a plant, and like other plants takes in CO2, or carbon dioxide, and gives off O2, or oxygen. This process is called photosyntheses - this oxygen byproduct is what the coral animals live off of. The calcium carbonate the polyps, or coral animals secrete, is also called limestone, and millions upon mllions of these tiny animals live on top of the remains of their predecessors.

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