Convincing parents

My parentss have these issues, bout me growing up too fast .. Or looking “ old” Like I really want to wear eyeliner or mascara sometimes .. But they dont let me ..

So sometimes, I juss put it on before I shower, then I take it off, cause then my eyes look a little bit darker ..

But how do I convince them to actually let me ? Instead of hiding it or secretly putting it on ?!

Answer #1

Make a deal with them. Ill get great grades if you let me wear makeup.or smthn like that

Answer #2

just tell your parents that you need to grow up! You can’t stay a kid forever, and it’s not like your going to parties and doing drugs. It’s just make up!

Answer #3

explainn too themm you will always bee theirr littlee girl & they havee got to let you grown up or yur never gunna becomee an independent woman tell themm to let you grow up … xx

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