Controlling friend, what should I do?

ok one of my best friends is really mean to me sometimes. I know its because of her problems at home and stuff but this is really making me sad.. Somedays she will call me fat and say stuff like omg you are so lazy you need to go run, and you know I could beat you so why you even trying. I mean I love her and I dont want to just drop her as my friend all together but I dont know what to do.. she also doesnt understand that I have 2 parents that actually care about me(unlike her) and like when it snowed 6 in. here she wanted me to ride with her to another state, and I said that my parents wont let me, and she was like, omg just dont tell them, your such a baby, you get on my nerves. and I swear sometimes I feel like crying when im around her all day, I just laugh it off though and tell her oh shut up. and she just laughs bout it… She use to not be such a beeoch but here latley its gotten worse, and the bad part is that she doesnt think that she is doing anything wrong… Yesterday she told me I looked horrible, and that I better be glad that ethan decided not to come to school.. I tld my mom bout it and she said that it is just because her parents arnt there for her, but I just dont know.. does anyone have any advice for me, by the way sorry this was sooo long…

Answer #1

you know I was in a situation like that once. I think you should tell her whats on your mind, and dont laugh it off anymore, that just makes her think its okay.cry if you must, but if she really makes you cry, consider telling her that and warning her if she does it again, you will not talk anymore. plus, I dont think its her parents not being there that makes her like that, I think its that she wants to fell better about therself since her parents arent telling ther that. I have ignorant parents, but without my friends id be nothing, id never do anything to insult them, or make them cry, id feel even worse about myself- speedy

Answer #2

Dear deborah_p, Part of growing up is realizing friends come and go. She is going through a very terrible time but it is wrong for her to put you though this verbal abuse. Sit down with her and tell her that her words are very hurting and that you find it difficult to be around her when she is like this. This is all you can do. If she then continues you need to stop seeing her. It’s sad to loose a friend but it’s wrong to allow people to hurt you when they know they are hurting you. You will be sad to loose her but in the long run you will have grown up and taken charge of your own happiness…this is called maturity. Sue…good luck

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