Is algebra, geometry, fractions, ratio, proportion, and statistics considered college math?

algebra, geometry, fractions and ratio and proportion, statistics etc i got my self a college book to study math has all the area’s im confused in

Answer #1

It can be, it depends on how hard it is though ha. When I think of College Algebra I think of Calculus and when I think of College Geometry I think of Trig.

Answer #2

It depends. Each of those has its own levels. However, I doubt geometry and fractions are college courses? Perhaps those are just parts of other math courses? Algebra, statistics, those definitely can be college courses. There are many levels of that. For instance, I am taking an Elementary Linear Algerbra, in University, there is also an introduction to statistics course in my university that I will be taking. It all depends.

Answer #3

They can be college math. Those listed in the description are categories of mathematics and are not limited to a certain age group, nor is one more difficult than another (although yes, some people tend to do better at some than others). I took algebra in 7th and 8th grade, geometry in 9th, Algebra again in 10th, and calculus in 11th and 12th. Now im in college as a music major and the AP test for the Calc was a 4, so now I never have to take a college math.

Answer #4

In short, they were all offered at my high school.

Answer #5

Colleges generally expect students to have basic facility with number theory, sets, inequalities, ratios, factions, algebra and geometry. Since there is a wide range of math skills among incoming students colleges usually give math placement tests. Students that are lacking are sent to remedial classes while students who have already mastered advanced math might place out of several classes. In most degree plans Plane Trigonometry is the first math course but students that aren’t ready may need to take remedial classes first while math braniacs might skip trig, pre-calc, calc I and calc II and start with differential equations.

Answer #6

The course is a study of basic mathematical, algebraic, and geometric concepts and applications. Topics covered include set theory and logic; fractions, decimals, and percents; ratio and proportion; basic linear and quadratic equation solving and graphing; consumer mathematics and financial management; metric and customary measurement; basic geometry; and probability and statistics. Open to college students including those with a minimum algebra background who have been away from mathematics for several years. This course provides the opportunity to strengthen basic math skills and practice applying those skills in a real world environment. Entry may also be granted by permission of instructor.

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