
Hi, I have a question that you may or may not feel comfortable asking…My boyfriend & I had sex while I was on my period. The day before that though my period was completely normal. The day after however my period completely stopped. The past 2 weeks I’ve had that crampy period feeling yet there is still no period. We are kinda worried that I may be, am I freaking out for nothing?


Answer #1

Your very welcome!! Next time you have a question just funmail me. Its quicker (I find it faster than I do questions asked to me) and private. Feel free to contact me any time! (:

Answer #2

Hey there–sorry to make you wait. It was way late here last night!! (; If it has only been 2 weeks since you had sex then even if you were to be pregnant you wouldn’t be feeling any type of symptoms yet. In actuality, it is actually about 2 weeks after conception that the fertilized egg implants itself into the uterine wall. So any symptoms—morning sickness, sore breasts, fatigue, etc. usually aren’t felt until around the end of the 3rd or into the 4th week. Was the night you had sex near the end of your period? During your period, the lining of blood from the uterus which was there to prepare for a fertilized egg to implant, is shed because pregnancy didn’t occur. All of the eggs ovulated have died in essence and the sperm has died as well. Since the eggs have died there is nothing for this new sperm to fertilize. If you are still uncomfortable, you can do a pregnancy test—but for Hcg levels (the hormone indicating pregnancy) to be high enough for the tests to be positive you would again have to be around 3-4 weeks pregnant. Wait until you are supposed to start, then give it a couple of days. Even though it is possibke to have your period for several mths when pregnant, more than likely in this case I would say if you start your cycle next time then you probably are NOT pregnant. You and your boyfriend should really consider using condoms from now on. Not only will they help to prevent worries such as this but if either/neither of you were virgins when you began having sex they will also help protect you from the possibility of sexually transmitted diseases. Hope this help!! Take care!

Answer #3

We usually do use condoms, we just didn’t have any at the time and we have been together for a little over a year now.. that’s what I thought but the problem is I dont take them consistently every day…I guess we will see. thanks for all your help

Answer #4

Yes, it was the day before the last day of my period, however I’m on birth control so it just kind of scared me when my period started acting weird..

Answer #5

Ahh…ok. Well, since your on BC I wouldn’t worry about it. It can happen–if you don’t take your meds consistently evey day at the same time. But truth is they say it is 99.9% effective. So, if you can put it out of ir mind I don’t think you really need to worry about it. you should still use condoms even if you are on BC for all the same reasons I gave above.

Sit back and try to relax!! (:

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