Confused guy !

okay me and my boyfriend of a year and a half just broke up and I’ve been hangin out with this guy just to get my mind off of it so much

I dont like him havent done anything with him and I told him I didnt like him…but I can tell he really likes me

im deffinitally not ready for a boyfriend and dont like him but I like hanging out with him because hes nice and funny…I dont wanna lead him on though…should I tell him that I really dont like him AT ALL because he dont get it or stop hangin out with him so much ?

Answer #1

I think you answered you own question. If this guy really likes you then just the fact that you’re spending lots of time with him is enough to get his hopes up. Tell him how you feel (especially about not wanting to lead him on and really not being interested) and try not to see him too often.

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