Confused, and unpatient

I like this kid, and he likes me too. He wants to kiss me. And I kinda want to too. (: The thing is, he likes another girl as well as me. He likes her more, because hes known her longer. But she doesnt like him. He said he likes me..but sometimes he doesnt ask like it,..why? And why wont he ask me out already!?

Answer #1

I think you should make the first move and be like yo, nigg lets be st8 I like yu you like me what chu gonan do about it?

  • BestFraanx3
Answer #2

well it sounds to me like he is a player and isn’t looking for a committed relatinship it seems to me like he is looking for a friend with benefits no strings attached kind of relationship because if he wanted to have a relationship with you he would have asked you out so I take it you don’t want the fwb relationship so you should probably just move on and find someone who wants a committed relationship

Answer #3

or maybe he just likes this other girl more than he liks you and is willing to tough it out and wait for her if so show him your better for him than her

Answer #4

It’s sounds like your maybe second servings Like I reallly like you and her and if she rejects me I’ll ask you out make sence?? :))) hope I helped you understand moreee…

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