Confused aboutt who you really are?

Was anyone first one type of person, and then totally changed? I just did that and I dont know if im being true to myself. Help?

Answer #1

Yeah I think the key thing is whether you’re doing it for yourself or to please others. But generally change is good. In fact it’s necessary to flourish, it’s good to identify something that isn’t working for you and to change it.

Answer #2

I’ve gone through a COMPLETE change to who I am from who I was. The change happened naturally but sudden. I don’t feel like it is an effort to be who I am and I don’t feel like I’m trying to impress anyone or be something I’m not. As long as you feel that way too, you are being true to yourself.

Answer #3

im the same, I really dont know whoo I am lol its like I wanna changee all the time. x

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