Confused about breakup!!!

What does it mean when a guy breaks up with you and says its not you its him and he needs time to think about it? The thing is we’ve been going out almost 8 months and he has always been fully committed. We only get to see each other like once a month outside of school but just a couple of days ago he was talking about how he was going to call me everyday during the summer and it didnt matter if he only saw me 2 or 3 times. And how he never wanted to break up. Today was the last day of school. And he was perfectly fine at school. Then when I got home he called me and was like “I dont know if this is gonna work over the summer. I have to get a job and I dont know if I will have time for you. But its not you its me. And I still want to be friends” Thats what he said. And he said it might just be a break and would I take him back in a few months. Should I or not? Sorry if this does’nt make any sense, but I really need help and some answers!! I just feel so alone right now because for the past 8 months I talked to him on the phone all night and now its just like my life has just stopped!! And how could he dump me on the last day of school?? When I’ve been looking forward to summer and now its just completly ruined!!!

Answer #1

Sounds like he wants to be free for the summer… so he can do whatever (and WHOever) he wants.

Answer #2

oh dam I totaly noe what the guy means because I almost did it before and he just feels like its not worth bearly seeing and he probly thinks he going to cheat so thats my guess from personal exp hope this helps

Answer #3

Well, I’m sitting here with my cousin &+ he said that he just probably wants you to go out &+ have fun this summer instead of you just sitting around all summer &+ talking to him. &+ he may have also done it because he was scared that you will find someone else &+ he wants to have time not to think about it &+ if you still have feelings for him after summer he may feel more safe. &+ he may also just dont want you to always worry about him while he’s at work. He may just love you too much to be the reason your life is on hold on going any where. you know?

Answer #4

Yeah it sucks how everything comes down to absoluely nothing. I would say that he is confused, and he doesnt know what he wants. Since its the summer, go out and make new friends and talk to new guys. Dont wait around for him to get his life straight, cause who even knows if that will happen, right? Well I hope I helped, good luck with everythingg.

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