
I have a boyfreind that I have bin going out with for 3 weeks and he had liked me for about2 years but I wasnt shure if I was ready but then this time I was. he used to do everything for me to win me over and he was even like that for the first week of going out. he would take me on lots of dates and call me a lot and want to kiss me all the time even when we were in front of his freinds and familt but lately we have bin arguing and he just doesnt do all that stuff anymore I dunno why can someone help?

Answer #1

Wow hun this is a bad sign since you have only been going out 3 weeks! it sounds like after him liking you for so long and waiting and waiting and now he finally has you, he’s over it. Maybe now that he nos he has you as his gf he thinks he doesnt have to do that stuff to impress you anymore cos you are his gf now. Maybe try and talk to him and get him to explain why only in 3 weeks he has changed and is treating you different, its nothing to major but juust the affection stuff, explain that just becos your his gf now doesnt mean you dont like getting the affection anymore, every girl loves getting affection of their bfs. Try talking to him about whats on his mind and what has changed.

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