
what should I do if I found out that my best friend of over ten years was talking about me behind my back. And that she also asked me to go somewhere with her but turned out that she didn’t want me to go but instead took this girl that is jealous of our friendship with her and I thought I was her best friend?

Answer #1

i would def let her know how i feel! and ask her why she is talking about you behind your back? you have been friends for over 10 years so id hope by now you have the sort of relstionship that if you have a prob with each other you are comfortable enough to just go to each other and discuss it, ask her why she is not doing that!!

Answer #2

I would ask her about it …be kind…let her explaine…..if you find out its true…let her know how hurtful this was to you……be honest and direct. Sorry and good luck!

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