Conditionar help???

I have really dry hair due to bleaching,,, Can neone recomend somen good!??? Somen that will work amazingly!???


Answer #1

Redkin shampoo and conditioner. from the hairdressers, its expensive but works reallyy well. the shampoos in a blue bottle and the conditioners in a gold bottle. They smell lovely too! && it stopped me having to have all my hair cut off from the dammage of bleaching

Answer #2

Pantene Pro-v moisture renewal shampoo.

Answer #3

You can try a deep condition hair mask. all the best. (:

Answer #4

cover your hair in any conditioner then micowave a towel for three mins it shuld b steaming hot them wrap it around your head and leave on for 1h it works miracle I promise!I had the same proble :<

em x

Answer #5

I know this sounds crazy but use mayonaise like once a week and leave it in your hair for a few hours then rinse it. it helps alott.

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