Conceited.confident.or cocky?

Yea hellor. Now heres tha deal I wasnt always as pretty as I am now lets just say I was ..echk But now im yea=] So im always in the mirror with my hair but its not like im obssessed with myself its just I like to look presentable before I leave my house. But like when people tell me im pretty I just be like o ok . And I always feel insecure ..well not always but when I see boys and lets say they like are they laughing at me? Lols aww man so what am I Cause I know im cutee and all that but I wont let you know that I knoww…ugh understand?

Answer #1

I dont think your all that confident cause you said your sumtimes insecure and sumtimes you think people may bee laughing at u/ a confident person wouldnt think twice or care what people were laughing at/ conceited maybe cause you said your always in the mirror a lot and plus you just told us all you know your cutee so maybe you might be a little conceited/ and cocky is kinda the same thing hope I helped ;)

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