Compton isnt half as hard as ireland

Y do people frm compton and nyc and detiot tink there gangstas? Ireland is th true home of th gangsta

Answer #1

Ha tanks 4 all the ansers I put dis up as a joke but thanks

Answer #2

lmao blerggher your sooo funny but im sure people say that because they have never been anywhere else to see how other people live there lives just like some people think they are spoild because they get everything they want but people who are really spoild with millions of dollars look at the other girl as poor and posers so yea I’ve never heard of ireland being a gangster place but on the other hand I’ve never been…lol

Answer #3

you are obviously the worlds #1 “gangsta”

from your profile: Im 16 nevrly 17, I have a few tattoos ha I got my first tattoo when I was 14 the same year I was kickd out of 2 skools haha

wow you are so cool. having tattoos when your 14 and getting kicked out of 2 different schools will look great on your resume. you’re a cool guy please be my friend I need to be friends with cool guys like you

Answer #4

I live in Ireland, and I don’t really think it’s that ‘gangster’ populted. I’m disgusted at the amount of violent crime (like madmen with katanas, and even one guy who skinned his ex alive and walked away from court a free man because he had a mental health issue), and I think it’s a shame there are so many drunk guys fist-fighting each other out on my city’s main streets.But I wouldn’t really call it ‘gangster’.

And, just to clarify, the IRA are not ‘gangster’ either. They’re terrorists. In case you wanted to try and use that as an example.

When I think of a country being like that, I think of extreme wealth and extreme poverty, and the extreme gap with little in between. I think of people who are more likely to hit you or mug you than help you out. Yet in Ireland, I constantly see plenty of middle and working class people, who would extend a kind hand or do a good turn for a stranger simply because they can. Overall, I think it’s pretty good here.

Answer #5

I am from Compton. It does not matter where you are from. What matters is who is first to pull the trigger because that is who survives.

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