Colouring bangs

I’m coloring my bangs and need tips on what to do so the rest of hair won’t be messed up. This is more of a request, but please help!

Answer #1

pull all the hair you dont want to use pulled back using grips and so on and also apply conditioner or vaseline to the other hair that is neerest your bangs,this stops the hair dye that may go ontp it reacting,also make sure you wipe of the har dye of your head as when I dyed my bangs I didnt and it dyed my head and was extremely hard to get off.

Answer #2

Well all you really can do is separate the hair really well and pin the rest out of the way with hair tyes or bobby pins. I advise that you have someone else dye them for you though such as a sister or parent or friend that is around.

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