Coloring books.

Is it wierd that I still color in coloring books? Im 15. Coloring is just awsome, I dont care if its only for little kids.

Answer #1

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! I colorr all the freakinn time && im sixteen. its a stress releasee!! I definitelyy colorr! I’ve gotten nine coloring books taken away from me in one class period in school. ha! whatt can I sayy. I LOVE coloring ((:

Answer #2

Coloring ISN’T just for little kids. ANYONE can do it! I’ll be 18 soon and I still color. My mom is in her 40s and still colors. My grandma is in her 70s and still colors lol

Answer #3

no, im 15 and I love coloring, its so much fun when you cant think of anything else to do, even my18 yr old sister loves it lol

Answer #4

No. It’s not weird. Me and my mom do it and we’re 40 and 14. lol

Answer #5

I love Coloring and I just turned 16 it’s the best ever!!! I just love to still be a kid! :]

Answer #6

Thats not werid at all, I think its cool especially that you fessed up to it too. I have coloring books, it helps me take my mind off things when im not feeling to great.

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