Does negro mean black in Spanish?

does the word negro mean black in spanish

Answer #1

I used those as simple examples and not working examples. My knowledge is very basic and comes only from textbooks, not (unfortunately) from life. I only wanted to demonstrate how the word was used so it would be clear that this is not some form of racial slur.

I am aware of pluma but had never heard of lapisero. I did refer to the Catholic mass (misa) specifically: the Black Mass is the Satanic version of the Catholic mass. It was all I could come up with on short notice.


Answer #2

Yes, it is an adjective describing a masculine noun. The word “negra” (as mentioned above) describes a feminine noun. For example, “el boligrafo negro” is “the black pen (m)” while “la misa negra” is “the black mass (f).”

Answer #3


Answer #4

Not to be rude, but no one who was born and raised in a Spanish-speaking community talks like that, unless they are a professional at work, e.g. a scientist or a college professor. I have never actually heard the word you used for pen (boligrafo). The common way of saying pen in Spanish is lapisero. If you wanted to say “pluma” in the place of “pen”, pluma means feather (pen). Misa (mass) actually refers to Catholic mass, not mass syn. blob or bunch. The correct translation would be montón, which is not an extact translation, and simply means a lot. Also, thinge like cars, boats, motorcycles, ect., are all considered feminine nouns, even if they have an “o” at the end. Example: una moto negra, una coche negra.

Answer #5

Yes it does. It can also be said as “negra” depending on the object it is referring to :)

Answer #6



Answer #7

Yeah :]

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