Did you go to college?

Are you planning on going to college? Are you in college? Are you not going to college? If you want, be a little descriptive and specify your situation (ex. scholarships, community college)

Answer #1

I went to a University for a BS, and MBA, I think school can help you in life, but is not a must to get through life, or become wealthy. I think you can learn more on your own, in things you like verses going to school.

Answer #2

Yes…as a matter of fact I went to study forensics first, then after that I went back to college to become a chef and a pastry chef.

Answer #3

Yes and I am goin now

Answer #4

That’s a weird combo, but its cool, I like all those to, snds like something I wud do, go from one extreme to the other

Answer #5

I’m going to university in September to study psychology and neuroscience. I can’t wait to mve out from home and meet new people and have new experiences.

Answer #6

My wife enjoys watch the forensics on TV, she said she thinks she would have liked it, she has a degree in fashion.

Answer #7

Yes I love to watch them to, law and order, csi, bones, all of them r good, dr. G medical examiner is one of my favs

Answer #8

Well, I did well in forensics, but when I had to assist an autopsy, it was them I realized it wasn’t for me.

Answer #9

im going to college;D it looks good and everything:) PARTY TIME WEHEYYYY! but i think GCSE to AS is the hardest year so iaint really bothered just gonna try my best and do what i can:) 3 years at college then doing sparsholt BTEC lvl 3:) gonna get were i wanna be

Answer #10

Yeah for sure that is not for everyone, I cudnt do it I don’t think but I don’t mind to watch, it very interesting I think

Answer #11

Well I could do computer forensics, but nothing with the body and forensics. I think I would pass out, I am the dad that almost passed out during the birth of my children.

Answer #12

The sight of blood and stuff doesn’t bother me, I’m goin to school for dental and med assistant, I work in nurseing homes and thr a lot of blood thr, so gettin forensics off a body wudnt bother me but I don’t think I cud cut one open

Answer #13

I am a wimp when it comes to blood and body fluids, my wife says I play the tuff guy, but when there is blood and stuff, I turn into a wimp. I think I saw to much of it when I was in the military.

Answer #14

Lol and I’m sure u did and thx for serveing, I’m sure I’m speakin for just about everyone on funadvice when I say THANK YOU

Answer #15

It’s not the blood and gore…it’s the psychological problems…the autopsy was done on a child who was killed in a snowmobiling accident…I can’t handle that.

Answer #16

I did a degree in accounting at the University of Pretoria.

Started in 2007, half my fees were paid by my parents and the other half I got through bursaries for having good marks in school. For 2008 my parents again paid half and the other half I got through a study loan from a bank. Around the end of the year a job opportunity was sent my way and with the possibility that I might not get study loans to pay for my third year I took the job, so from September 2008 till about two weeks ago I have been studying and working full time.

Also did an additional course at the start of my third year which I paid for myself.

In third year my parents paid for a quarter of my fees and I used work money to pay the rest. I got my degree in that year, but my marks weren’t good enough to get into honours, so I had to redo my one subject this year. Then this year I paid all my fees myself and also repaid my study loan from second year.

Now I am waiting for my final marks for this year as I wrote my last exam 2 weeks ago and then next year its off to the University of South Africa to do my honours.

After honours its one more year of work and 2 more exams I have to write through SAICA and then after 6 long years I will have my complete degree.


Answer #17

Yes, and I had to pick my dead best friend off the ground, or to watch someones limb come off. I have no interest in seeing things like that no more, it will make you sick, hurts, and angry. Think happy thoughts, go to school for basket weaving.

Answer #18

Wow I’m sorry

Answer #19

No, I did not. I didn’t get along with my dad so moved out before I was even 16. I have my grade 9 and some of my grade 10. I was an exotic dancer for 17 years and now do my two dream jobs - writing and art.. I have almost 200 published articles and short stories, have sold over 30 paintings, have illustrated a children’s book, sell clip art on 3 sites and have a job with a greeting card company. School is important, but I believe that determination and drive is more important.

Answer #20

I went to college to study music but when I was a stones throw from graduating with a music degree I switched to computer science.

My parents paid my first few years but a combination of things made me decide to cut the purse strings and work my way through for the rest.

Answer #21

I went to college to study music but when I was a stones throw from graduating with a music degree I switched to computer science.

My parents paid my first few years but a combination of things made me decide to cut the purse strings and work my way through for the rest.

Answer #22

no at the moment i am doing an apprenticeship. i work as a receptionist and alongside it i do a college course, using the work i do as course work.

Answer #23

Well as life is, it happens and these are things we have to work past. I hate it when I see people that use the military as a crutch to explain the way they are. I have moved on and I try not to let my past effect the person I am today.

Answer #24

neuroscience is awesome!

Answer #25

Yes, I completed my bachelor of science last year, and I just finished my postgraduate diploma in science. Next year will be the final year of my masters degree, yay! I originally wanted to study pharmacy, which has competitive entry. To study medicine, dentistry, medical laboratory science, pharmacy or physio at my university involves doing the same first year, and then you get admitted to the programme based on your grades. I did pretty badly in my first year - I was incredibly homesick, depressed, working too hard at my part-time job and my anxiety disorder was causing problems. So I changed my degree programme to a BSc majoring in anatomy and structoral biology after my first semester. Im very glad I did, because I love it. I enjoy what I am doing much more than I would have if I had kept trying to get into pharmacy. Postgraduate study has been awesome. Stressful at times but working on my own research project is something I have enjoyed a lot.

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