What is this- a coincidence, or psychic abilities???

Okay well when i waz in the 6th grade in Math class, my teacher waz going to give us an example of a problem and he could have chosen any number, any number at all…Just then, i began getting(i think this waz the number, but that’s not the point) 336 in my mind, and it wouldn’t go away and kept repeating itself. Just then, he goes, “For example, let’s use- uhhh…336.” I was in SHOCK!!! It waz so weird….And then sometimez i’ll just be walking or doing something and my attention will be drawn to certain objects, like for instance: not too long ago, i went in the bathroom and opened a cabinet to put some stuff up. I saw my ankle brace that i used when i sprained my ankle, and i said, “Thank goodness i won’t be needing u anymore…” But just then, my mind kept saying, “ankle brace, ankle brace, ANKLE BRACE!!!” And then my wrist started hurting for like three seconds or so, and i waz like wtf??? Oh well…And ignored the feeling. Later on that day, i lost my balance on my sisters bed and fell and sprained both my wrist and my ankle!!! Crazy right??? And there waz another time on a school morning i waz waiting with my sister outside for the bus to come, and my attention waz completely focused on my dogs for some odd reason, and i just couldn’t get my mind off them. Then i found out when i got on the bus, my dog go ran over:( And another time(last one sry) I had a dream abt my cat, and the next day she went blind! Iz thiz psychic ablity, or just some odd coincidence??? Oh yeah and i forgot, like two dayz ago we were driving on a road that waz supposedly haunted and i kept getting the chills and they wouldn’t go away, and i felt like we were being watched…But to me that’s kind of just a coincidence…But so yeah, anywayz…I also feel like i’m being watched in my house when i’m alone on the computer, and sometimez think i hear somebody walk by the door but no one’s there when i turn around. I feel very uneasy and try to talk aloud like, “Hmmm, what song should i listen to”, to try and shake the feeling and my hands start to shake and sometimez i also get the chills as well. Please help, i’m really desperate up to this point…….

Answer #1

Oh yeah and i forgot, like two dayz ago we were driving on a road that waz supposedly haunted and i kept getting the chills and they wouldn’t go away, and i felt like we were being watched…But to me that’s kind of just a coincidence…But so yeah, anywayz…I also feel like i’m being watched in my house when i’m alone on the computer, and sometimez think i hear somebody walk by the door but no one’s there when i turn around. I feel very uneasy and try to talk aloud like, “Hmmm, what song should i listen to”, to try and shake the feeling and my hands start to shake and sometimez i also get the chills as well.

Answer #2

Could be both. That happens to me all the time! And honestly idk what it is. You could just be really intuned with your surroundings. The thing about knowing your teacher’s number,again you could just be intuned with people. I can’t count how many times i have done stuff like that. I have dreams of things before they happen. When i was 13 my brother killed himself. I wasn’t around but the time of death was 12pm ish and that day,(i didn’t find out he was dead till the night) at 12pm i started getting really deppressed and sick for no reason,i had no idea what was wrong with me. I was at a friend’s house when my mom came to pick me up and before she even came up to me and opened her mouth,BOOM i knew my brother died. I started crying before she even told me. It’s freaky. —Many times,i’ll randomly just say something and my friend will look at me and say ‘’wtf?! I was just thinking that exact thought’’ –I just think it has to be intuned with surroundings. I don’t really beleive in psychics and all that. So idk. But yeah :)

Answer #3

Again,i think you are very intuned with surroundings. beleive it or not,i beleive spirts or ghosts,whatever you wanna call them,are around us all the time. I think we are always being watched by the dead. And i have spirt photography to back me up on this. Go to a cemetary and take a bunch of random pictures and you’ll see what i’m talking about.

Answer #4

I think we all have untapped intuitive abilities….and every once in a while, we open up our minds (maybe by accident), and use it….what’s happened to you, has happened to many people. However, until a person actually LEARNS HOW to open up to their intuitive side at will, it’s haphazard, and nothing to count on.


Answer #5

It sounds like you do have an ability. There are exercises and stuff you can do to strengthen your gift as well and make it more reliable. My best friend believes I’m psychic and I wish she didn’t. She is always asking me to predict stuff and I’m like I don’t know!! About fourteen years ago was when she first thought I was and at that time I’d gotten a book to help me strengthen my abilities. I did some of the basic exercises and it started freaking me out how accurate things started to get. I stopped doing them because it made me feel uncomfortable. My best friend lived a long ways away from me and we would talk on the phone every night. She would always ask me what the guy she liked who I had never met was going to be wearing the next day. I kept getting it right. The style of clothes and the color. She would dress in whatever color I said and they ended up matching lol. But I told her I wasn’t interested in doing that anymore. I have little things that happen as well like you do, and I don’t really like it. I’d rather not know stuff so I try to ignore it most of the time. I call it being intuitive though rather than psychic.

Answer #6

Stop watching movies and learn to juggle.

Answer #7

I have weird stuff happen to me as well. Whenever something is about to happen, I get a weird feeling, like a sad feeling. For example, when me, my fiance, his mom, and brother were all in the car headed home…I kept feeling sad/weird..I kept telling everyone I feel sad and weird but IDK why…next thing that happened, the car stopped cut off, brakes went out, E brakes, everything just stopped working, then we had to walk home.

I also sometimes can tell my fiance whether or not something is going to actually happen…like if someone says they are coming over, I can tell if they are or not, later they call and say they can’t some or something…and sometimes I know what my fiance is thinking, and I can tell him yes or no…to things he hasn’t even said out loud…IDK weird!!!

I also have dreams, and then sometime in the next week or so, something that happened in the dream actually happens.

My mom does this too, she once had a dream about a big wave crashing down on a little girl and a bunch of chaos…next day, Tsunami hit somewhere…

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