Answer #1

NOO!! lol do you?

Answer #2

depends on what the clown looks like …..they can not look overly happy its just really creeepy

Answer #3

Yes I do, I collect them :-)

Answer #4

I don’t mind them, unless there dressed scary, from movies.

Answer #5

do they ever, you know, stare at you?

Answer #6

It seems that way sometimes, I even have ones that r like on a swing thing and they r hanging around my room lol

Answer #7

yeah see, i collect harmless thiings. like tabs. you know, the things that open soda cans? i mean, whatever floats your boat, but clowns arent very popular in my world.

Answer #8

Scary clowns are fine. Regular clowns at like circus’s & birthday parties scare me so much.

Answer #9

Not especially. However, I am fond of Red Skelton show and his portrayal of clowns like Freddie The Freeloader and Clem Kaddiddlehopper. I wouldn’t miss his show as a kid.

Answer #10

Not at all! I saw the movie “It” on Halloween when I was really little, which totally freaked me out about clowns. Now they just seem super creepy to me.

Answer #11

Yes i do only cuz it makes my bro cry and scream and hes 15

Answer #12

I’ve never seen one before, not physically anyways.

Answer #13

NO!!! Lol they give me memories of me when I was four years old sitting on the edge of a sidewalk crying at a local 4th of July parade because of the stupid clowns blumbering about honking the little horns that they had with them as loud as they possibly could and the noise scareing me half to death.:O

Answer #15

I’ve never been around one…. I don’t think I’d like one though :PP They’re weird O.o

Answer #16

No. I’m amazingly scared of them.

Answer #17

they are ok x

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