Would I be classed as her aunty?

Ive been with my boyfriend for 5 years now and he has a niece, would i be classed her aunty kind of? We’re both 15(if that makes a difference)

Answer #1

Not officially, but when you get married, i believe so.

Answer #2

You will never be someone’s “family” unless through marriage or birth. When you get married, you will be her aunt. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been together for 5 or 20 years, it will never be official until then.

Answer #3

Only by marriage or birth :p:p

Answer #4

As people said before, by marriage you would be related but that’s it. But who cares, if you love her and she loves you that’s all that matters.

Answer #5

yes… something like that… but i all depends on what his family thinks, but when you two get married you will be official auntie :p

Answer #6

well It won’t be official til as being said u get married but if his niece see in that way then yes in a way you are because my friend’s mum’s best friend isn’t related at all and and my friend still call her, her aunty. so i don’t think it really matter.

Answer #7

thats what i say :)

Answer #8

oh right lol didn’t really read it lol oops lol soza >.<

Answer #9

How the hel- would you be w someone for 5 years if you’re 15? You’re obviously nothing to her, just a temporary person. You’ll be gone in a while. And if not then when you OFFICIALLY get married, than you’ll be her “aunt”.

Answer #10

i mean i agree with you.. that just the way i say it :/ i am not saying that you couldn’t say the same thing you can :/

Answer #11

i know right :p too funny she started dating him when she was 10…

Answer #12

That is an extremely rude comment by telling this girl she’d be gone in a while. I realize that the chances of them staying together are slim, but still possible.

Answer #13

@ Brittany… yea i agree with you :/ but everyone is allow to have an opinion

Answer #14

Having an opinion and being blatantly rude are two different things.

Answer #15

kayz ^^ nah I know what u ment lol :)

Answer #16

yeah :p LOLz

Answer #17

Not until you’re married, or co-habitating in a common-law relationship for the recommended amount of time as set out by your country.

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