Circling Question.

Ok, im not sure if this is the right catagory but it seems like it so here gose. Ok today a bunch of people and I were asked to draw 3 x’s on a paper and circle each of them. He than asked whom circled them counter clockwise and who circled clockwise. Out of the 30 people only 3 of us circled clockwise. Could any of you posibly have an answer as to what this means? Thank you in advanced.


Answer #1

Interesting question. Well, that could have several explanations. The simplest - it depends on whether you’re a left-hander or a right-hander. Then, it also depends on how you learned to draw circles as a kid. For example, I learned to write a lot earlier than most kids, on my own, so I came up with my own ways of drawing the letters, and was later told that some of these ways were “wrong.” But how you learn is how it stays and becomes natural. Then, it can also be hereditary - it’s been proven that some odd things we do, like with which eye you wink, or whether you can roll your tongue into a tube, are genetic. Not that you couldn’t wink with either, or draw circles either way, but it’s a preference that doesn’t seem to have a specific purpose. Hope that helps :)

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