Is it possible to choke on Jello?

So I was talking about jello since i’m consuming it, right?

Jello is slippery and wobbley. Its easy to swallow, slurpy, right? So can you choke on it? And could it like, choke you to death?

Answer #1

yep, ive done it lol :p

Answer #2

Sure if you like sucked it down to quick but if you just gave it good swallow or drank some water it probably wouldn’t have any trouble goin’ on down your throat, because one it’s slick, two it’s like 99% water, and three it’s would melt pretty quickly inside of the throat which is quite toasty compared to the cold jello.

Answer #3

It iss posble to choke on anything even your own spit

Answer #4

I doubt very seriously you could choke to death on jello unless you just didn’t try at all to clear your throat or swallow it down.

Answer #5

Yes, if it accidentally goes down your wind pipe. Just like if water, or soda.

Answer #6

Not sure if it could choke you to death or not, I think it would be easy to cough up.

Answer #7

I agree.

Answer #8

You can choke on anything that you put in your mouth, no matter how big or small it is or what it’s made of.

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