Chlorine and blood??

today I went swimming but I got my period a couple hours before and my friends’ sister said that she just goes in and the chlorine stops the blood from coming out. is that true??

btw it worked

Answer #1

ok only one person even answered your question… but yeah its just water. thats why you dont gush blood when your in the shower an it starts again when your out

Answer #2

its not clorine its actalyy water…it stops the flow but if you still have blood in your vagina then it will come out juss use a tampon or juss don’t go swimmind

Answer #3

well if you don’t want to wear a tampon, then what I suggest is to wear a panti liner type pad, just a small thin on your swiming bottoms.

Answer #4

it actually all depends on how heavy your flow is and what position you are in… it is possible 2 bleed in the shower, bath, pool, or any other water fulled object but because you stand when you shower chances are higher that you could bleed because your body is in the up-right position, where as in the bath and pool you tend to in a sense lie down making it harder for the blood to escape, but it doesnt mean that it wont or that it cant, I have witnessed people bleeding in swimming pools so rather be safe than sorry and wear a tampon

Answer #5

yes its like body defences it doesnt come out in water

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