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There is always the question of nature vs. nurture. (I say nurture)
I believe it can be both depending on what is being questioned.
I just heard a talk from a PhD student on how anaemia in early life adversely affects both motor and cognitive abilities, so something about how adequate nutrition affects development.
Its well known that girls develop at a faster rate than boys so you could ask about the mechanisms behind this.
What effects do maternal factors have on the developing foetus? For example does a high fat maternal diet during pregnancy or lactation predispose a child to obesity?
This is a pretty broad question, so there are lots of things you could ask.
Child development c.w (question) - 1 Answers
Okay im doing a chart for my childdevelopment course work to see out as many people I cant get hoping 50-100 & the question i...
What are good names for a spanish resturaunt - 2 Answers
For a school prodject, I have to come up with a name for a mexican resturaunt,my parents want it to be a short title and I wa...
Similarities in child development theories? - 1 Answers
What are the similarities between piaget and vygosky's theory of child development?
Websites about childcare and child development? - 1 Answers
Hi Could you please tell me any good websites about childcare and child development? I need it for a project I am doing for s...
Does anyone know a good name for a project? - 1 Answers
blahh ` doess any onee noe a q00d namee for project why pulse goes faster when we hear loud music ; nervous ; fear ? likee...
What are some good research paper topics? - 2 Answers
I have to write a 5 page research paper on any topic...I need some suggestions. I don't care what the topic is, I just want ...
What a good slogan I can do for the name "jen"? - 1 Answers
im running for 8th grade secretary and I cant thinkk of a slogan! please help me!
What are some good questions I should ask a college that's out of state(no visit)? - 3 Answers
It's a college for design :) Idk what to ask the lady and I need to call her back!! I feel like I should have some questions ...
What can be a good research project topic? - 3 Answers
Im in the 12th grade and in order to graduate I need to do a good project that I have to do research and create a power point...
How do I come up with a brilliant research question? - 4 Answers
I am in my final year of a bachelor of health science (nutrition and dietetics) and I need to complete a research project aro...
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