Can my chihuahua puppy eat cat treats?

Answer #1

Shudnt hurt the puppy just don’t give to many

Answer #2

yup, most dog and cat teats are crossed linked to be ok

Answer #3

Yea they can, my cat eats the dog food and my dog eats cat treats and food. Cat and dog food have similar things in both of them.

Answer #4

no, i think it causes liver problems in dogs if they eat cat foods.

Answer #5

Cat foods/treats are a lot richer than dog food/treats. If you feed your dog (especially a small dog) cat treats, chances are it will vomit and diarrhea all over the place. It is potentially very dangerous. But if you fed it one it should be okay. Just don’t feed it any more.

Answer #6

Cat food/treats are very bad for dogs. Cats and dogs require different nutrients and cat food/treats has an over abundance of some nutrients that can harm a dog. It happening once in a while wont kill the dog but just know that it is very bad for it and will cause long term effects if it continues.

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