Chihuahua fearful of children

I have a 3 y/o male chihuahua (rescued from an abused home). He doesn’t like children at all.. he has bitten my nieces & nephews. He also has a problem peeing in the house, where ever he wants to. I am pregnant with my first child. I have tried kennel training him & being more “firm” with him, doesn’t seem to help. Any suggestions? I have considered giving him to a good home, which I don’t want to have to do.

Answer #1

I just think that Chihuahuas are fearful little things. Mine is afraid of EVERYTHING. My other dog, people, NEW BORN KITTENS. And my uncle’s is the same way. The fact that he came from an abusive home could be playing into that too. He was hurt by people, so he’s afraid of them. If you haven’t had him for long, give him some time. Adjusting to a new place is scary for animals. My cat hid under our oil tank for a week she was so scared. If you’ve had him for a while, I don’t know what to do. Keep in mind though.. some animals just aren’t good with children. Especially if they haven’t been around them too much. Children like to pet the dog, play with him, hold him, and generally bother him (though that’s not their intent). He just may not like them.

Our chihuahua peed ALL OVER THE PLACE when we first got him. Train him to go outside. It’ll take time and a lot of patience.

Answer #2

A Chihuahua can be a one person very devoted dog. At his age he may never be very found of children. Can’t you just put him up when the other children come to visit?

As far as your baby goes, I think it will be different. He will know your baby is part of you and the family. He will adjust to your baby if it is expected of him.

Also a thought on the nieces and nephews are they drawn to him. It seems that the pets I have that want nothing to do with my grand-children are the ones the grandchildren won’t leave alone? Go figure.

On the issue of peeing is he neutered? That really will help on the peeing. If he can smell a female in the area that is in heat he will mark. He is also marking from insecurity. But to neuter may even stop him.

If you give this little guy away how will he do? I just don’t know? A problem dog that goes to a home that doesn’t understand him may never make it.

Answer #3

Just don’t treat him as a abused dog, you need to retrain him, I would like to recomend you read or watch the dog whisperer. He has great advice and I have used a lot of it where I work at a vet hospital as a vet assistant. I also own two chihuhua’s and I am expecting in 13 weeks, I have taught them I am the pack leader. I take them to parades and petco and petsmart, dog outing’s. They need to be socialized as much as possiable and don’t baby him just because he had a rough life. this is a new one and he is going to have rules, if you baby this then he will think he is being praised for the way he is acting. He can change, don’t lock him up when kids come over. watch and teach him

Answer #4

I have had Paco for almost 3 years !! He came from a home with 2 small children, who were allowed to pick him up, drop him, pull on him, just rough with him. He doesn’t like all adults either. Anyway I just don’t know what to do about him. I am scared to give him away. How do I know he won’t be abused again. I need to know he will go to a good home, he deserves it so much. I can’t help but think that no one will treat him as we do (he’s spoiled rotten). Maybe thats part of it? As for as the peeing in the house, we have trained him. He is much much better from when we first got him, just not completely trained. Thanks for your advice :)

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