Do you like cheese?

Do you like cheese?

Answer #1

It depends where the cheese is. For example, I like cheese in cheeseburgers, and cheesecakes (as long as it’s not TOO cheesy) but I can’t stand cheese with many other things, or cheese just by itself! Ugh.

Answer #2

Sure I do! If I was lactose intollerant, I probably wouldn’t like cheese, but myself, I’m a big fan. I like pizza, I like brie on french bread, and all sorts of other types of cheeses.

Answer #3


Answer #4


Answer #5

sure cheese is good its got proteins and some fat, and great taste

Answer #6

i love cheese, speaking of which… im going to get some right now lol

Answer #7

yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh WHY!!

Answer #8

I love cheese Thair is nothing like cheese on toast !

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