
What should I do when my boyfriend is cheating on me with other females but still says he loves me,misses me and wants 2 see me, and when I break up with him he’s always crying and getting emotional and tells me he wants to be with me forever and never wants me to leave so confused because I love him and I want us 2 work it out but he never changes.

Answer #1

Wow, your situation sounds exactly like mine was. We talked for two years, dated for over one, and after the second known occurance of him cheating, I broke it off for good. Or at least that is what I make him think. My ex pulled this exact same thing but if you keep taking him back, he will never change. He may love you, but he doesnt know what he wants right now. He wants to live this double life but face it, you’re too good enough for him and he knows it. My advice is do what I did. I broke it off and let him beg for almost a month. Then, I made him promise to change his ways. Once he agrees, make him prove it to you through actions instead of words. I was faithful to my ex for a year and 18 days, now, I’m making him work that long before I’ll give him another chance. If you really love yourself, stand your ground. Make him realize what he has to lose. Trust me, if he’s worth it, you’ll know.

Answer #2

If he says he loves you, and actually means it… and recognizes the fact that cheating is hurtful, he wouldn’t do it.

He is saying all these things to you because he is insecure, and wants to have a “back-up”

The only way to get him to stop hurting and cheating on you, is to break it off and end all communication

Answer #3

He loves you but cheats on you? Repeatedly? Someone who loves you is repeatedly hurting you?

She’s partially right, if you keep taking him back, why would he stop doing it? You’re reinforcing bad behavior.

You cannot change anyone. If they dont want to change, they’re not going to. It’s not like he’s helpless to his hormones. He makes a conscious decision to hurt you every time he goes out and cheats on you. You have to decide if you want to continue being hurt, or go out and find someone who treats you the way you should be treated. Remember, how you get treated is all up to you.

Answer #4

You grow some self-respect, and a backbone… stop talking to him (PERMANENTLY) …and move on…

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