Chaotic love

Im a smoker…mt boyfriend hates it!! I love him but I hate the fact he is telling me to choose between him and the cig!! What should I do??

Answer #1

I think you should stop smoking because its bad 4 your relationship and for your health. if you stop ull live longer, too. ; )

Answer #2

Kick the habit. You don’t want to loose a relationship because of something that will kill you in the end.

Answer #3

Nothing wrong with it, you dont know what its like to be a non smoker around a smoker. The smell and the taste are very foul.

Answer #4

Choose the one that’ll better benefit you in the long run, Your boyfriend’s only looking out for you.

Answer #5

tell him what you just told us tbh , I think hes being pretty lame you know making you choose over a freaking cigarette wtf is that

whatever . . . its just my opinion

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