
In the movie Changeling I was just woneder what happened to Walter Collens??? Like did she find him or did he die?? Anyone no I was near the end like just to the point where the other ladys son is telling the police what happened and then we left. Sorry im just really curious.

Answer #1

Thats so sad. It would be interesting to no what happened to him, but really it was an amazing touching story; like hiw she never gave up. That is creppy I would be afraid to live there.

Answer #2

They never found Walter Collins. She looked for him until the day she died. I’ve been doing a lot of research on the case because it was so interesting and believe it or not, the house those boys were killed in is still up and working… a lady lives there how creepy, right?

Answer #3

I was also wondering how it all ended and if they ever found him. It’s such a sad story. In regards to that movie though, I found Angelina’s bright red lips extremely distracting lol.

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