Would you change yourself to fit in?

I wouldnt, i mean why should I? whats so great about being an exact copy of everybody? media brainwashes everybody that you have to be a stick to be happy. f@ck you media!!!!!

Answer #1

no i wouldnt, i am who i am..and why the hell would i wanna be like anyone else? :P the media is terrible for that.

Answer #2

Nope I’m just fine the way I am and if u don’t like it well u don’t have to stick around

Answer #3

Not a chance. I was “goth” from 6th grade all the way till I was a senior in HS. I ended up switching to jeans, so my first year of college, and still, I am called “scene”… Stupid labels…. >.< Anyways, Everyone who didnt like what I wore always aid “its just a phase, you’ll frow out of it…” but Nope, never happened, never will. If you dont like me, my theory is go find someone who you do like cuz I dont like you either ^_^

Answer #4

oh yeah!! girls at my school call me nonconformist for that

f@ck them too

Answer #5

My mom says that about me dressing/acting/hanging out with boys. I will not be molded into a fake

Answer #6

Nopee. I like being myself. I don’t need to dress to please anyone but myself & if people don’t like who I am, well they can just deal with it. Im not tryna impress anyone :D

Answer #7

nobody should ever change who they are just to fit in, what they see is what they get…

Answer #8

Hell no, people need to learn to accept you for whom you are, it is what makes you authentic…now if we all have to change ourselves just to fit in, how fake & boring would that be?! Screw the media & what people tell you you need to be…just keep on being you! :P

Answer #9

exactly!! i totally agree with you temptress :)

Answer #10

Awe, thanks sweetie…:)

Answer #11

Ahha looks like I’m the only person here saying yes. I’d rather fit in and be normal than be an outcast. I don’t act like somebody I’m not, but I’ve learned to adapt to my surroundings so that I fit in.

Answer #12

your welcome :)

Answer #13

I rather be an outcast but if yourself that aint a problem then

Answer #14

No way, when you change your self people are going to label your self as a “Wanna be” and it will seem like that person who wants to fit in is desperate.

Answer #15

yah i get what you mean i think the same too and at times i jsut dont give a dam what people think.

Answer #16

Of course not, cause that’s what makes people unique! If everyone was the same it would be boring and get old real fast. Don’t be a follower, be a leader and start your own trends. Even if you change yourself to fit in, there are still going to be haters!! Not everyone is going to like one person. So its better to be hated for you then being fake!! It also is going to make you miserable, and keep changing to every new trend or thing to make someone happy, it’s not worth it! Be yourself, people might even like how you are better and start following you.

Answer #17

In all honest i want to say no i wont change who i am to fit in but i do it daily in real life. I become a quiet person that changes according to people’s needs to make their lives better/ easier. I would love if someone liked me for who i was without having me to change but the world isnt perfect and i think relationships are built on adjusting and making changes to better it. idk just my input.

Answer #18

Hell yeah! Power to ya!

Answer #19

ty :)

Answer #20

no.. alot of people would love you who you are.! you dont need to chaNge anything about urself cuz then ur a follower and thts not good.! BE YOURSELF AND BE PROUD.! like i am.! :)

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