Which celebrity do people say you look like?

I always get snooki or dena!

Answer #1

You dont really resemble a specific celebrity to me.

Answer #2

I got called Kat Von Dee once, theres no resemblance at all though, they must have been on something. O_o

Answer #3

Demi Lovato.I don’t think I look anything like her O.o

Answer #4

Jim from The Office. -.-

Answer #5

Mila Kunis and Megan fox. i don’t look like either which makes me soo friggin happy when people say it!

Answer #6

you looks like Mila Kunis

Answer #7

People have said that I look like Tyra Banks

Answer #8

But I don’t see it o.O

Answer #9

Pink. Ever since I was 16 it has been an issue for me. I made the mistake of going to one of her concerts because I love her music. Within 20 minutes I was surrounded by people not understanding that I was not her. Funny thing is I don’t look that much like her and I am covered in tattoos. My friends and family say it’s my haircut.

Answer #10

Some people say I look like Rihannah because I have her smile and I’m a little dark.

Answer #11

cherl loyd is 1 of the preetiest celebraty

Answer #12

james bond

Answer #13

Well, I’m asian, but I don’t know any asian celebrities.

Answer #14

I would name a ton of martial artists, but outside of that, i cant think of any.

Answer #15

Ben affleck

Answer #16

Jet Li!!! Baha jk jk YOu look a bit like the younger version of Maggie Q

Answer #17

My friends say I look like Danny Fernandes, I COMPLETELY DO NOT though -__-‘

Answer #18

You actually do a little in your profile pic atleast

Answer #19

Xd only martial arttist I know are bruce lee, jackie chan if those count. Maggie Q :0 who’s that lol is that good or bad?

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