Caylee Anthony Doll

For those who don’t know the story of Caylee Anthony - she was a little girl from florida (2-3 years old) who went missing a while back. The mother is now accused of murder after a very long investigation and a bunch of lies on the mother’s part.

Now, they are coming out with a Caylee Anthony doll. What are your opinions on this? It’s supposed to be a memorabilla doll and not one to play with - but a doll none the less.

Would you buy one? What are your opinions on this doll?

Answer #1

Thats horrible - How could they get away with that?

Answer #2

WOW! the doll doesnt even look like her im mean JEEZ the doll is BLONDE!

Answer #3

Wow. That is tacky as hell.

Answer #4

That is disgusting. how can they get away with that? And as for memorabilia- what happened to collecting travel tickets, gig stubs, stamps and photos? But a doll resembling a dead infant! That is absolutely ridiculous. manufacturers exploiting a dead child to cash in on the profits! I can’t believe it’s being allowed

Answer #5

couldn’t they do something less disgusting for charity, perhaps a bake sale?

Answer #6

Nope, why her, why not all the childeren that were ever murdered or went missing, and let all the proceeds go to different organizations that help families to cope with there loss, or to find a cure.

Answer #7

I wouldn’t buy one just because I dunno her or her family so like why would I want a doll to remember her by? An where is all the money they make w/ these dolls going to? I just fine it creepy. Why would anyone want a doll of a dead toddler? It’s strange to me. If you had it on a shelf or something u’d look up at it and think Wow why did I buy that? I dont her. BOTTOM LINE IT”S CREEPY!!!

Answer #8

Sickening - obviously exploiting to make money - if the true intention was ‘tribute’ they would donate to,or build a memorial for, to honor this precious little angel.

Answer #9

What I don’t understand is our culture’s fascination with the misfortune of others.

I don’t understand why the story of Caylee Anthony is in the news so much. Yes it is an awful tragedy but there are tragedies every day.

Think of how much news is overlooked because we have so many stories about Caylee Anthony, JonBenet Ramsey, Stacey Peterson, etc.

I don’t know anything about the doll but it sounds like a crass attempt to capitalize on this tragedy.

Answer #10

The reason why misfortunes and bad events are in the press so much is because bad news is good news- it sells

Answer #11

Beth you are so right, we all complain about things like this and realtiy tv shows, but as long as we support it and buy it, it will never go away. So we are to blame, They will not sell one doll if everyone would come together and shut it down,

Answer #12

Yeah, it’s not an exact replica of Caylee - it’s called the Sunshine Doll - and it plays you are my sunshine when you squeeze the stomach.

Still creepy though.

Answer #13

That is really, really disgusting!!! Their making money out of an innocent child who was killed?? how can they do that???

Answer #14

How thoroughly disgusting, but unfortunately I can believe most anything that happens nowadays. Nothing really surprises me anymore. In remembrance huh…who do the profits go to? The mother who is accused of murdering her?? Being murdered was bad enough for that poor child, but to sanctify a doll to remember her?? How utterly disrespectful!!

Answer #15

It’s very sad that people prey on the misfourtunes of others this way. I pray that God changes my heart but I think Casey Anthony should rot in a cold dark cell for the rest of her life… I have no sympothy for a mother killing her child in cold blood.

Answer #16

Ok people.. THEY ARE NOT MAKING MONEY OFF OF IT. they are donating it to a charity to find missing kids.

Personally I would never buy it.

Answer #17

I still don’t think it’s the proper way to make money for a charity like that - the little girl was murdered so they are selling a little girl doll… come on.

Answer #18

I jusr read an AP article that said in effect, that a Florida promotions company has backed off plans to sell a blonde-haired doll bearing the name of slain toddler Caylee Anthony.

Showbiz Promotions, based in Jacksonville, had planned to sell its Caylee Sunshine doll for $29.99. But on its Web site Tuesday the company’s president announced the suspension of the launch plan. Jaime Salcedo says the company reversed course after reviewing public response to the doll.

Answer #19

That’s stupid that they would even think of doing that. Imagine someone you love dying and they make dolls like them. Ridiculous.

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