Cat Problems

I don’t know if anyone has had a similar situation, but I would appreciate anyones input. My cat is 3 years old now and for the past 6 -8 months, he has this recurring problem where he constantly, obsessively licks at his fur, creating these terrible hot spots. I have taken him to the vet on Nov, Jan, and Mar. The vet keeps giving him cortizone shots to help his itching and to stop his licking. But the vet has no solution as to what it could possibly be causing the cat to keep doing this to himself. The shots only last about 1 - 1/2 months, and I can’t keep spending hundreds of dollars to temporarily fix this problem. I don’t know what else to do. Has anyone had to go through this before with their pet? I haven’t changed his food, I’ve tried changing kitty litters. Nothing else has changed in the household. He’s an inside cat, so theres nothing outside that could be bothering him. Please help… thanks.

Answer #1

Sounds like allergies to me. And if he’s an indoor cat, there’s more of a chance that he’ll get them. My cat went through the same thing, and turned out to be allergic to dust. It’s really bad through winter, when she stays inside, but when she’s out and about it’s usually okay. Don’t know whether or not this helps, but thought I’d say it anyway :)


Answer #2

Ditto to magichalo and editor…I’m surprised the vet didn’t mention running some allergy tests on him…at least for the common allergens.

Now…licking is also a form of neurosis for cats…(and dogs, for that matter)…what was an itch in the beginning…becomes a habit as time passes…a means to “cope” with whatever might stress a kitty out. I know they can lick themselves raw in less than hour…With my old German Shepherd, I mixed 2 parts Listerine with 6 parts distilled water…kept it in a spray bottle on the coffee table. When I’d catch him “at it”, I’d spray that spot with the mixture. Listerine is antiseptic…and if there is any itching involved, the mixture will stop it. It also tastes nasty, so they leave that spot alone…the leaving the spot alone, plus the antiseptic nature of Listerine promotes healing…And you can use it as much as you need to…and it’s inexpensive to keep on hand.


Answer #3

I think all of the above sound like good adive. My cat use to always lick and lick but he has so much fur he would only get hair balls. He is allergic to fleas.

It can be just one flea and he will break out. He gets these scabs on his neck and under his chin. So If Scruffy starts licking and getting scabs on him, I know I have missed a step in our flea program for our pets and I retreat everyone. Yard and Pets.

Scruffy is also allergic to flea collars and Frontline drops on the back of the neck so I have to use the once a month spray that is milder and is safe even for puppies, that is how mild it is. So we use the spray Frontline on everyone with 4 legs in our house. And Ortho Max in the yard.

I also have to brush him well.

There is a Hartz Spray at Walmart that is for hotspot that has cortizone in it. I use it on my Boxer. He has a spot that flairs up sometimes on his hindquarters. The Vet always wanted to give him a shot to and I like you couldn’t afford it all the time and found this spray, tried it and it worked great.

One other thing my Boxer is allergic to cut grass. Not grass but only cut grass. He breaks out in hives from it. 1 Benadryl clears them up. Have you tried a Benadryl on him. Depending on his size half to a quarter of one.

Good Luck maybe some of these suggestions will help. Cortizone will only mask over the problem, you need to find a solution. What is behind the problem.

Food is always a good place to start. Cats adjust to food change much easier than a dog. I change my cat’s food all the time. They like the change.

Answer #4

Definitely change his food! I can’t believe the vet didn’t tell you this (was he counting on the money form the cortisone shots?). He could have developed allergies to something in his food (compagnies sometimes change the ingredients without prior notice). And if you can afford it don’t buy him cheap food at the supermarket but get good quality food a pet store or vet (it costs more but is better for his health and he will eat less). And if you can’t afford it you may consider making your own catfood, cheaper and healthier! Also make sure that you aren’t using harsh chemicals to clean your house and if you have changed brands in the last months then go back to your old brand. Cleaning products can also cause allergies (in cats and people!) so whatever you clean the house with be it bathroom, floor, carpet and even clothes always try to get the most natural possible. Good luck!

Answer #5

my cat is 11 years old. and he lick his self all the time and meow a lot to need help

Answer #6

It could be an allergy, have you changed his food recently? A lot of dogs have wheat allergies that cause horrible skin itching, you might want to find a wheat-free food.

Also, it could be nerves. My cat licked his tummy when he was a kitten until it was bare. The vet cited stress as the cause and he eventually grew out of it.

Answer #7

Thank you all for your advice. I will definitely try everyone different suggestions. I hope it will be resolved!

Answer #8

I agree with editior, some animals do this when they’re stressed, bored, or depressed.

Answer #9

Its different every time. His legs, his tail, under his arms, his stomach, his feet…

Answer #10

What area does your cat lick his self?

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